Large Red Maranta - Prayer in 8" Hanging Basket

Large Red Maranta - Prayer in 8" Hanging Basket


Botanical name: Maranta Leuconeura Erythrophylla

Common names: Red Prayer Plant, Herringbone Plant


  • Vibrant green oval leaves with prominent red veins running along the central vein in a herringbone pattern, resembling veins.

  • Light green splotches along the veins, adding to the variegation.

  • Deep purple-red undersides of the leaves.

  • Reaches up to 12-15 inches tall and 12 inches wide.

Unique features:

  • Leaf movement: The leaves fold upwards at night, resembling praying hands, hence the common name "prayer plant." This movement is called nyctinasty and is a response to changes in light.

  • Air purifying: Red Maranta plants are known for their air-purifying properties, helping to remove toxins from the air.


  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.

  • Water: Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch of soil to dry slightly between waterings.

  • Humidity: Enjoys moderate to high humidity. Mist the leaves regularly or use a humidifier.

  • Temperature: Prefers warm temperatures between 65°F and 85°F. Avoid temperatures below 60°F.

  • Soil: Well-draining potting mix rich in organic matter.

Benefits of owning a Red Maranta plant:

  • Adds a pop of color and interest to any home.

  • Relatively easy to care for, making it a good choice for beginner plant owners.

  • Air-purifying properties can help improve indoor air quality.

  • Unique leaf movement adds a touch of whimsy.

Overall, the Red Maranta plant is a beautiful and interesting houseplant that is relatively easy to care for. It makes a great addition to any home and can provide many benefits, including improved air quality and a touch of whimsy.

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