7 Benefits of Pothos Plants Paired with our Grid and Tray System

Our Grid and Tray System is rapidly becoming our most popular product for both home and office use. When paired with Pothos plants, they can dramatically improve your health, happiness and atheistic of your indoor space. With the ability to thrive indoors with low light and less frequent watering, combined with many health benefits, the Pothos is perhaps the best indoor house or office plant.

Thrives in Lower Sunlight

While the Pothos thrives in mixed environments with varying light and soil moisture, it is one of the best plants for lower light conditions. If you space is low to medium light in particular, the soft yet tough leaves and vines of the Pothos will prosper.

Easier Maintenance

Pothos is also proven in a study conducted by the University of Illinois to be able to survive a drought as it’s a tougher plant in mixed conditions. In fact, the Pothos only needs to be watered every 7-10 days, making maintenance much easier than many other types of indoor plants.

Removes Toxins in the Air

The NASA Clean Air Study prove that the Pothos plant is able to remove toxins in the air such as benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. Such toxins are found in virtually every indoor space in products such as pressed wood furniture, carpets and stoves or heaters. While these are cancer causing agents that can have lasting long-term effects, the Pothos acts as an air purifying agent to help remove such toxins from the air.

Increases Humidity

Especially in colder winter months where air humidity levels are low which causes illness such as the flu or the common cold, Pothos plants are great at creating more moisture indoors and improving air quality.

Ideal for Vertical Spaces

The Pothos plant prefers to live on a wall or hanging vertical planter which can be great to reduce clutter in your indoor environment and instead enhance unused vertical space. Their vines prefer to grow up walls and ceilings over a larger surface area while their leaves tend to grow to be up to 5 inches wide. Their striking shape and color scheme are excellent ways to spruce up your blank walls with living art.

Feng Shui and Vastu Benefits

There are pothos benefits according to it the beliefs of Feng Shui. Experts of Feng Shui consider Pothos plants a way to remove negative energy from one’s space. Vastu beliefs also say that this plant brings good luck and positive energy in households.

Calming Plant

A study conducted on 14 Japanese men found out that touching the leaves of golden pothos has a calming and peaceful effect on the mind. You can see the study here.

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